第21届国际足联世界杯将于3月19日至7月10日在卡塔尔举行,这是第一次在中东国家举办世界杯。 卡塔尔世界杯分为两个阶段进行,第一阶段为小组赛,第二阶段分别为1/8决赛、1/4决赛、半决赛和决赛。 一共有32支参赛队将参加本届比赛,包括亚洲5个洲际名额和欧洲的7个附加赛资格。
具体赛程时间表已确定如下: 3月19日(星期日),上午1:00 A组第一轮:卡塔尔-厄瓜多尔;B组第一节:沙特的阿拉伯半岛; C组的第一轮:日本对西班牙 D组在第一场比赛中的首轮:美国对英格兰 E组的首战:伊朗队对阵威尔士 F组的首场:法国对澳大利亚 G组的首战:阿根廷对战沙特 3月20日(星期一),凌晨1点A组的第二轮:荷兰与塞内加尔 B队的第二局:德国vs日本 第三局的C组:哥斯达黎加VS希腊
D组的第二回合:比利时和摩洛哥 E场的第二场:波兰-伊朗 第六节F:葡萄牙-乌拉圭G赛的第二个回合:阿根廷-伊朗 3.21 (周二),下午1:00 第36次A组和第三十八场B组的最后一场: Ecuador vs United Arab Emirates C组的第三局: 西班牙 VS Japan 第四节的第四局:瑞士Vs Saudi Arabia
第五十六节E队:法国– Denmark F中第39届赛事: Belgium Vs Mexico G的第二十五名: Argentina – Poland 3.22(星期三),中午 1:00 第一场比赛A组: Qatar v Senegal 第二十九场B组赛: Morocco VS Croatia C组的最后一战: 荷兰vs Qatar 第五十场E队:United States Vs Iran F场的第五十三场比赛: France Vers Brazil
G的比赛第五十四场: Argentina Vers Netherlands 三月的第一个星期六,晚上七点到八点的第七十二场比赛是德国对日本。 March: On the first Saturday night of every month between October and June, one match is played at a time in different stadiums throughout the country, with each stadium playing on alternating evenings so that all teams play once or twice before their final matches. The exact locations for these games will be announced later this year. These are called “Star Match” events because they feature top international stars from around the world, some still active players while others have retired but remain popular with fans everywhere. All tickets include a free souvenir program booklet containing statistics and pictures about every single player competing in this World Cup. There will also be special commemorative programs distributed to ticket holders at each venue as well as an official FIFA program available online through official distribution channels.
April: In April, we’ll start seeing how far our favorite teams advance when the second group stage kicks off! This phase is divided into two groups known as Group Stage 1 and Group Stage 2 which consists of eight teams who were eliminated in previous rounds plus four new entrants drawn randomly out of all participating countries excluding those from host nation itself. Teams will compete within their respective groups